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Welcome to Sing Well!  

Singing Groups for Health and Wellbeing

Sing Well was founded in 2014, to create opportunities for people to sing together for health and wellbeing. Our groups are open to over 50s and anyone of any age, who has a long-term physical or mental health condition.

Passionate about the power of music and singing for health, happiness, creativity, community and social inclusion, we provide inclusive, accessible singing groups, partnership with Brighton & Hove Council, Anchor Housing and Volunteering Matters' Lifelines Project. 
We believe that everyone can sing and welcome people whatever their singing ability. No experience needed, no auditions, no sheet music. People can just come along and listen: singing, humming or foot tapping are all optional. 

You can read more about the health benefits of singing here.

Funded and supported by

National Lottery community funder - fund community projects in the Uk to support vulnerable groups

Stop Press!  15th October 2024
We are very pleased to announce today that we have been awarded a grant from The National Community Lottery  Fund. This will allow us to provide more groups for the next twelve this space!

Sing online or by telephone from anywhere in the UK,
or in-person, in Brighton and Hove

Free for people living with a long term physical or
mental health condition and anyone over 50

“A song can infiltrate your heart and the heart may change your mind.”

Elvis Costello

Sing Well participants talk about coming to our online groups.


Singing and  
Body, Breath and Voice sessions
Sing Well & Lifelines

Participants of our in-person singing for health groups

In Person

Singing groups in
community settings in Brighton and Hove
Sing Well & Lifelines

Sing Well singing sessions by telephone with Lifelines


Singing groups 
people can join
by phone

Sing Well & Lifelines

To book a space for you or someone else
call 07440 381840,
or Lifelines 01273 688117
or click on the button below. 

Lifelines offer help with getting online. and 1-2-1 support if required.

Find out more here

About Our Sessions

Some groups are more of a singalong, and song appreciation, whereas others offer a space for people to explore their voices more or work towards a goal, such as a performance or group composition. We also lead sessions that focus more on breathing. 


Vocal health and safe singing are important for everyone, so sessions include warm ups, cool downs and practices from the Accent Method, Estill Voice Training, as well as Body, Breath, and Voice and CVI (collaborative vocal improvisation). 


We sing songs from all genres and eras: folk, Motown, pop, from 30s to current day. Participants are encouraged to make suggestions for songs they'd like to sing, or share songs and there's usually time to chat and say hello to each other. We aim for sessions to be fun, relaxing and informal.

Joining  online or by telephone

To join online you just need a phone, tablet or computer. To join a telephone session you can call in from a landline or mobile. When we sing people can't hear each other as everyone is muted. So these can be a good option for anyone nervous about singing with others. 

Creativity, community and collaboration

During the pandemic, people were invited to send in recordings of themselves (recorded using mobile devices) singing parts. These were arranged into whole tracks, some of which were played by Radio Sussex. 


More recently, recordings were made of several singers improvising on zoom (with their prior permission), from which an original, collaborative vocal track has been produced.

Community singing group performing for people living with dementia

Leach Court Singers about to perform! 

Older singer raising money for lepers in India

Lavender bags!

One of our in-person groups became so confident they decided to start performing. Their first gig was at a local supported housing scheme, for residents living with dementia, who were also members of another of our singing groups.

Another group sang online for a leper community in India. A singer in the group made lavender bags to sell and raise funds for the community. An example of how people can become empowered by singing to connect with and support other communities, with their voices, near and far! 

 Working in partnership 

Volunteering Matters, National Charity who support older people
Brighton and Hove City Council
National Lottery community funder - fund community projects in the Uk to support vulnerable groups
Older people's supported social housing provider

We rely on grants and donations to cover the running costs of our groups. Any contributions are welcome. 


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07440 381840

113 Queens Road

Brighton BN1 3XG

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